Related Blog Posts on Civic Engagement, Jewish Learning, and Jewish Values

Join us for Jewish Teen Activism During COVID-19

Shira Zemel
The world has changed significantly since the RAC concluded our 2019-2020 L’Taken Social Justice Seminar season in early March. After 2,000 high school students came to Washington D.C. and successfully lobbied their members of Congress, the RAC staff tallied up the results of the teens’ efforts.

Reflecting on the Historic 2018 U.S. Midterm Election

Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner


The U.S. 2018 Midterm Elections were historic in many ways.

We saw more women, minority, and Jewish candidates than ever before run for office, and we can now celebrate the diversity of our newly elected Congress. This 116th Congress will include more than

Guided by Faith to Vote Yes on 4

Rabbi Ethan Bair, Rabbi Gayle Pomerantz and Nancy Ratzan

The writer and Holocaust survivor Eli Wiesel once said that the greatest gift God gave humans was not the ability to begin, but the ability to begin again. Every religion teaches that forgiveness and redemption are possible, and the Jewish tradition is no

We Have the Power of Our Vote - So Let's Use It!

Cantor Jason Kaufman

We are a little less than a month away from the 2018 midterm election in the United States, and we, as Reform Jews, must not forget the power of our vote. Our vote allows us to exercise our voices and our values as the U.S.