Gun Violence Prevention Active Learning Network
The RAC is very excited to announce a new opportunity for individuals and congregations to engage around the issue of gun violence called an Active Learning Network (ALN).
Starting in February 2016, this Active Learning Network will consist of 4-6 webinars over the next few months for congregations that want to learn about gun violence prevention and who may want to experiment with programming around this topic in the near future. The webinars will feature presentations and conversations with issue area experts and members of our own community who are already engaged in gun violence prevention work. Webinar topics will include: programming during religious holidays and services, empowering youth to act, engaging sisterhoods, creating interfaith partnerships, and taking direct local action.
For more information about the Active Learning Network, read our latest blog post.
Keep checking this page for an updated schedule of webinars, registration links, and recordings of past webinars to get caught up! Also, join in the conversation by going to the Gun Violence Prevention Group in the Tent. For more information or if you have any questions, please contact RAC Legislative Assistant Tracy Wolf.
Upcoming Webinars
Topic: Our fifth webinar will feature Reform Rabbi Joel Mosbacher of Beth Haverim Shir Shalom in Mahwah, New Jersey. He is one of the national co-chairs of the Do Not Stand Idly By campaign to reduce gun violence. On this webinar we will focus on how to take local action to prevent gun violence.
Past Webinars:
Topic: What is the Problem? An overview of gun violence, and the challenges congregations face in taking action featuring Tim Daly, Managing Director for Guns and Crime Policy at the Center for American Progress. View the Recording Here.
Topic: On this webinar, we focused on how to best engage members of congregations through the pulpit and religious celebration. Our featured speaker was Rev. Kaji Douša, a gun owner and UCC minister who has made gun violence prevention an important part of her pulpit. View the Recording Here.
Topic: Our third webinar featured Vincent DeMarco, the National Coordinator of Faiths United to Prevent Gun Violence, a colaition of over 50 national faith groups working to reduce gun vioelnce across the country. We focused on how to engage with the wider faith community around the issue of gun violence. View the recording here.
Topic: Our fourth webinar featured Jeremy Cronig, NFTY President and Nicholas Kitchel, Senior Advocacy Associate at Generation Progress. On this webinar, we focused on how to best engage youth in gun violence prevention efforts. View the recording here.