Nothing But Nets Partnership

Since 2007, the Reform Movement has partnered with Nothing But Nets and the United Nations Foundation to raise awareness, advocate, and fundraise to eradicate malaria. Whether through an email to Congress or giving just $10 for a bed net, you can take action to help eradicate this disease worldwide.

Learn more about malaria and our partnership

Jewish values and global health

Fighting malaria with policy

FAQ: why bed nets save lives


Explore how you can join the fight against malaria. 

Basketball Tournament Fundraiser

B'nai Mitzvah Guide

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Tell your members of Congress to support funding for the President's Malaria Initiative and the Global Fund, and ensure that the U.S. remains a global leader in fighting the spread of preventable, treatable diseases.

Take action here

What's New

World Malaria Day: Join the Fight for Malaria Prevention

The Sage Hillel famously challenges us with the questions, “If I am not for myself, who is for me? And if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?” (Pirkei Avot 1:14). The challenge posed by malaria is an apt reflection issue-wise of these questions, although they become even harder to

Social Justice Gift Guide 5777

In search of a unique gift for the social justice junkie in your life? Look no further than our Social Justice Hanukkah Gift Guide, with eight suggestions full of tzedek – one for each night! Give the Gift of Movement Building Know someone who wants to grow as a Jewish social justice leader? Gift

Advancements in Global Health Research

In January, world leaders launched the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and promote health and well-being for all by 2030. In order to achieve goal number three, “ Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages,” we must increase


Every two minutes, a child is killed by malaria. Just $10 can send an insecticide-treated bed net to Refugee Camp Nyarugusu in Tanzania, which is sponsored by the Union for Reform Judaism. Send a net, save a life! 

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