Since 2007, the Reform Movement has partnered with Nothing But Nets and the United Nations Foundation to raise awareness, advocate, and fundraise to eradicate malaria. Whether through an email to Congress or giving just $10 for a bed net, you can take action to help eradicate this disease worldwide.
Learn more about malaria and our partnership
Tell your members of Congress to support funding for the President's Malaria Initiative and the Global Fund, and ensure that the U.S. remains a global leader in fighting the spread of preventable, treatable diseases.
What's New
World Malaria Day: Join the Fight for Malaria Prevention
Social Justice Gift Guide 5777
Advancements in Global Health Research
Every two minutes, a child is killed by malaria. Just $10 can send an insecticide-treated bed net to Refugee Camp Nyarugusu in Tanzania, which is sponsored by the Union for Reform Judaism. Send a net, save a life!