Project Ideas Mitzvah Days

Project Ideas

These project ideas may help a brainstorming session, or inspire you to do the same at your congregation.

Outdoor and Indoor Maintenance/Beautification

  • ​Cleanup a local park or public school
  • Cleanup a Jewish cemetery
  • Gutter repair work Rake leaves at a senior citizen home or center
  • Paint offices of non-profit organizations and shelters
  • Renovate apartments of homebound seniors
  • Repair furniture Beautify shelters with plants, posters, and other artwork
  • Create or refurbish a recreation area
  • Create mural for children’s room at local hospital

Provide Volunteer Assistance to Local Agencies

  • Glean at an area farm and donate crops to a food bank
  • Sort food at local food bank Sort and prepare inventory at non-profit thrift store
  • Stuff envelopes for mailings
  • Inventory and organize a public school library or resource center

Activities at the synagogue

  • Beautification of Temple (“Spring Cleaning”)
  • Blood Drive
  • Advocacy – write letters to elected officials
  • Write letters to Jewish prisoners
  • Assemble information kits on child immunization
  • Sort, bag, and deliver items donated on Mitzvah Day: food, clothing, furniture, books, school supplies
  • Stuff hospitality bags for shelter residents and group home residents (travel size toiletries, hats, mittens, t-shirts, stuffed animals, small games, candy, paper, crayons, note pads, pencils)

People to People Projects

  • Cook and deliver meals to AIDS patients
  • Jewish entertainment/holiday celebrations for seniors
  • Visit the sick in hospitals and hospices
  • Visit local VA hospitals to talk with and entertain patients
  • Prepare traditional Jewish food with disabled residents
  • Serve meals in a soup kitchen
  • Sign up your synagogue to be a partner in the interfaith hospitality network (providing shelter during one week of the winter for the homeless) and hold a training session on Mitzvah Day
  • Tape books for the blind
  • Deliver for Meals on Wheels
  • Host party or story time for children in area shelters
  • Assist clients in back-to-work programs with interviews and resume building skills

Craft Projects

  • The Gary Rosenthal Hiddur Mitzvah Project (
  • Dolls for Darfur (
  • Knit hats and scarves for seniors
  • Decorate hats for kids with cancer
  • Make toys and dolls for children with chronic illnesses
  • Make get well cards and bring them to patients in a local hospital

Mitzvah Day Committee Jobs

  • Register participants
  • Set up and clean up breakfast
  • Direct traffic
  • Photograph Mitzvah Day events
  • Childcare for children of volunteers
  • Assist with blood drive registration