Death Penalty

Criminal Justice: Death Penalty Information

Additional Resources To learn more, visit the following websites: ACLU Amnesty International Death Penalty Information Center Equal Justice USA Justice Denied National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty Murder Victims Families for Reconciliation

Jewish Values and the Death Penalty

Biblical law mandates the death penalty for 36 offenses. These include a broad range of crimes from murder to kidnapping, adultery to incest, certain forms of rape, idolatrous worship and public incitement to apostasy, from disrespecting parents to desecrating the Sabbath.

Legislative Update on Criminal Justice

Sentencing Reform As part of a growing tough-on-crime attitude in the 1980s, legislators at the state and federal levels passed a myriad of new laws imposing harsh mandatory minimum sentences for a variety of crimes, most notably for nonviolent drug offenses.